The most commonly asked questions about certification. This includes ECBA™, CCBA®, CBAP®, IIBA®-CBDA, IIBA®-AAC, IIBA®-CCA, and IIBA®-CPOA. Select the question that interests you to reveal the answer. Please note, for questions or support in French Canadian or other languages, please contact IIBA's Customer Support team by email at
Competency-Based Certification
Certification levels demonstrate key milestones of competency development, support shared expectations among business analysis professionals and employers, and help in setting goals for developing competencies. As individuals move along with their career progression and maintain their certification, their competencies will continue to grow and develop.
Certifications have eligibility requirements and maintenance requirements for continuing certification. Certificates do not have these requirements, and once attained, do not expire. All IIBA credential holders are encouraged to engage in continuing development activities.
No, you do not need to be an IIBA member to apply for certification or recertification.
There are many benefits to IIBA membership. These include, but are not limited to, discounted certification exam fees, discounted recertification fees, a free PDF copy of IIBA publications such as the BABOK® Guide and the Business Analysis Standard®, access to IIBA’s KnowledgeHub and AI Assistant, free or discounted rates for IIBA Chapter Events, Professional Development Days, and Study Groups, and much more.
Credential holders who do not recertify on time are given a grace period to record their CDUs, pay the recertification fee and submit the application without penalty. The grace period is four months for IIBA®-AAC and IIBA®-CBDA and one year for CCBA® and CBAP®.
Credential holders who do not meet the requirements within the suspension period become Uncertified.
For those who become Uncertified, refer to the recertification handbook for information about the reinstatement period and time-sensitive deadlines. Contact with questions.
Core Certification - ECBA™
Refer to the ECBA Handbook for step-by-step guidance on how to prepare, pay for, schedule, and sit your ECBA exam.
The 21 hours of Professional Development must align with the BABOK® Guide Knowledge Areas, be completed within the last four years before applying for certification, and follow these learning and assessment standards:
Be facilitated and assessed by an instructional leader
Have measurable learning objectives directly applicable to the role of the business analysis professional
Provide opportunities for students to ask questions, interact with the material, and apply their knowledge and skills
Yes! IIBA endorses education and training delivered by EEPs and Academic Members to support the ongoing development of business analysis professionals.
References can either be a CCBA®/ CBAP® credential holder, a career manager, or a client (internal or external) who has known you for at least six months. A work reference would be your manager or anyone in the organization who can confirm the work completed and submitted on an application. References must provide a work email address.
The first step is to ensure you meet the eligibility requirements described in the CCBA Handbook. Then refer to the CCBA Step-by-Step Application Process Guide for guidance on how to complete and submit the CCBA Application in the My IIBA portal.
The 35 hours of Professional Development must align with the BABOK® Guide Knowledge Areas, be completed within the last four years before applying for certification, and follow these learning and assessment standards:
Be facilitated and assessed by an instructional leader
Have measurable learning objectives directly applicable to the role of the business analysis professional
Provide opportunities for students to ask questions, interact with the material, and apply their knowledge and skills
References can either be a CCBA®/ CBAP® credential holder, a career manager, or a client (internal or external) who has known you for at least six months. A work reference would be your manager or anyone in the organization who can confirm the work completed and submitted on an application. References must provide a work email address.
The first step is to ensure you meet the eligibility requirements described in the CBAP Handbook.
General Questions about the CCBA and CBAP Application Process
Enter the information that you have and your organizational contact’s name, phone number, and email for validation that you took the course.
Once all requirements have been met, you will be able to submit your online application. You will immediately receive an email stating that your application is Approved OR Approved Pending Audit. If Approved, you are then Exam Eligible, and will receive an email with instructions for exam payment and scheduling.
Audits are conducted on a random basis. If your application is "Approved Pending Audit", you must complete the audit process. You will be required to submit your Professional Development documents for validation, and your References will be contacted.
When your application passes the audit, you will receive an email confirming the approval and next steps on how to purchase the exam.
An extenuating circumstance is an event or hardship that would lead you to request an application extension and is the only reason that application extensions may be granted. Refer to the IIBA Extenuating Circumstance Policy for the requirements and procedures for extension requests.
You have one year from the time your application is approved to take the exam.
The exam fee payment cannot be transferred to a new application. The payment is tied to the application in which it was made.
If the application expires and the one-year exam period has not expired, you may request a refund of the exam fee. You have 12 months from the day IIBA received the exam payment to request a refund. After such time, payments are forfeited. To request a refund of your exam or exam rewrite fee:
To start a new application, you would then need to repay the application fee, reverify that you meet the requirements, and repay the exam fee.
In the description field, state that the work involved sensitive/proprietary information and then provide only as much information as possible without breaching privacy.
You will be able to reuse the work experience and professional development from your past certification application provided they meet the eligibility requirements for the next level.
Two years of work in the relevant specialty area is recommended but not required. Refer to the certification pages for more information about AAC, CBDA, CCA, and CPOA.
Application, exam, and recertification fees are provided on our Certification Fees page.
The application fee is non-transferable and non-refundable. The application fee must be paid first, and your hours submitted to be approved. The exam fee is paid after the application is approved.
From the day IIBA receives payment for your exam, you will have 12 months to schedule and take your exam. It is only within that time that you can request a refund.
To request a refund of your exam or exam rewrite fee:
First cancel your scheduled exam with PSI.
You must cancel your exam at least 48 hours in advance or no refund will be given.
For ECBA only, a $50 administrative fee will be applied to the refund. There will be no refunds after 12 months and you will forfeit the exam fee payment. There is a fee associated with each exam attempt. The exam rewrite fees are not included with the initial exam fee.
Payments can be made by PayPal or credit card (Mastercard, Visa, Amex) via the shopping cart on our website.
Business Analysis Certification Exam FAQs
All exams are offered via remote online proctoring through PSI using your own computer. The CCBA® and CBAP® exams are also available at PSI Test Centers. You can select your preferred option when you schedule your exam. Please review our Exam Information page for details.
It really depends on the individual. Your level of experience and knowledge will impact the amount of studying time required, as will your familiarity with the IIBA publication on which the exam is based. Refer to the exam preparation suggestions on each Certification page and the Study and Learning Options provided in each Certification Handbook.
Although IIBA is a not a training provider and does not provide course recommendations, we have Endorsed Education and Training Providers with pre-approved courses that have been assessed and validated by IIBA. Visit the Endorsed Education and Training Providers page to find an endorsed provider and/or exam prep course that meets your needs.
When you schedule your exam, if you wish to receive reminders and updates about your scheduled exam appointment on your mobile phone, there is an option to enter your number after viewing your Candidate Details. Your mobile number only will be used by PSI for the purpose of exam appointment reminders and updates and will not be shared. Standard data and messaging rates apply. If you do not wish to have this option, delete any text that may be in the Mobile Number field and select SKIP VERIFICATION. This option is currently available in North America.
Information about testing accommodations is available on the Exam Information page, under Candidate Frequently Asked Questions. To request accommodations, please contact
Please review the Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy on our Exam Information page.
If you require an exam rewrite based on your exam result, you will receive an email from IIBA within 48 hours of your exam day, detailing how to pay for and schedule your exam rewrite.
Once you have scheduled your exam at a test center, you will receive a confirmation email with the exam logistics. In addition, you will receive an appointment reminder email two days before your exam day.
If you experience an error while trying to schedule your exam, please contact
No, this will not affect your admission into the exam.
Yes, it will affect your admission into the exam. Your first name and last name must match exactly in three places: your identification, IIBA and the testing administrator. There can be no differences. If your name does not match your identification, you must notify IIBA. Only IIBA can make the required update for you and can be contacted at All updates must be done at least one week before your scheduled exam, or you will not be able to take the exam.
If you are not admitted to the exam due to inadequate identification, you will be required to pay a fee to IIBA in order to reschedule your exam.
The ID must be the original document, current, signed and in western characters.
The following identification is ACCEPTED:
Government-issued Driver's License
U.S. Department of State Driver's License
National/State/Country Identification Card
Government-issued Passport
Passport Card
When scheduling an Online Remote Proctored Exam ONLY, you have the option to upload a picture of your Photo ID to the PSI Booking Platform. This allows for pre-verification of the ID and a smoother check-in experience on test day.
You will see an ID Capture step just prior to selecting your exam date and time.
You can complete the upload by choosing one of two methods:
By scanning a QR code to use your mobile phone camera Or
By clicking a link to use your laptop/desktop camera
Once you select an option, instructions are included for you to capture your identification image. You may re-take the image as many times as you wish and you may delete or modify the image or related identification information prior to completing your booking.
If you prefer to provide your Photo ID on test day only, and not in advance, you can opt out by clicking the Skip ID Capture button on the ID Capture page of the PSI Booking Platform.
Uploaded ID images are stored securely in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other privacy regulations. They remain in the PSI system for 90 days after test completion, after which they are automatically deleted. You also have the option to remove your uploaded identification through the PSI Booking Platform, which you can connect to by logging in with your IIBA credentials.
All candidates are still advised to bring their Photo ID to their scheduled test session for verification if requested by their proctor.
Refer to the IIBA Guide to Online Proctored Exams for information on how to prepare, including technical requirements, the System Compatibility Check, and the Tutorial Test, which is available after you schedule your exam and further checks system requirements.
If you miss your scheduled exam date and time without cancelling or rescheduling in advance, you will be considered a no-show and will forfeit the exam fee or exam rewrite fee you have paid (unless there is an extenuating circumstance). You will need to repay the exam fee or exam rewrite fee to schedule and sit the exam.
If you arrive late, you will be considered a no-show. You will not be permitted to write the exam and will forfeit the exam fee or exam rewrite fee. Lateness is defined as follows:
For remote proctored exams, more than 15 minutes after the exam start time
For exams at Test Centers, arrival less than 30 minutes before the exam start time
Read the IIBA Guide to Online Proctored Exams to learn about the rules and requirements for identification, login time, security protocols, what is allowed and not allowed during the exam, whether there is a break time for your exam, and how to navigate through the exam format.
In addition to being offered in the Online Remote Proctored format, the CBAP® and CCBA® exams are also offered at PSI Test Centers. These are the ONLY two IIBA exams offered at Test Centers.
Refer to the Certification Handbook for the required photo identification, check-in procedure, and security protocols.
Watch this video to learn about the PSI Test Center experience.
Read the Test Center Security Wanding Protocol below.
Check-in at Test Centers includes a required metal detection wanding inspection by trained Test Center Administrators (TCAs). This protocol is designed to ensure that no unauthorized devices or items enter the testing area. Those who decline the wanding protocol (and have not been granted an exemption) will be required to reschedule their exam.
For those with metal implants the wand may indicate an alert, and a standard physical security check will follow. If there is an alert upon rescan, and there is no item to disclose, testing can proceed with close monitoring. If a prohibited device is found and the test taker does not provide an explanation, PSI’s security team will determine whether the test taker can sit for the exam.
The wands are American Heart Act Certified. Per PSI, they will not interfere with or harm the operation of any medical device. If test takers opt for an exemption, they must bring documentation from a healthcare provider to the Test Center.
On the Day of your Exam: Rules for Exams at PSI Test Centers
Rather than provide scores or scoring percentages for our certification exams, IIBA provides performance indicators. This is common practice in the professional credentialing industry and is intended to help candidates target gaps and set goals for performance improvement.
You will see your exam result immediately after you submit your exam. Confirmation of your exam result will be emailed to you by IIBA within 48 hours.
Your profile will be updated within 48 hours. You will receive a confirmation email from IIBA.
All IIBA certification exams are available in English. In addition, IIBA offers the ECBA exam in five additional languages: Japanese, French, French Canadian, Chinese, and Brazilian Portuguese. The CBAP exam is offered in English and Japanese. Candidates are expected to be proficient in the language in which their exam is delivered.
IIBA continues to expand translations of its publications and related content to additional languages for accessibility worldwide.
Recertification FAQs
Please refer to the Recertification Handbook for details about maintaining your certification:
Holders of both CCBA and CBAP certifications will only have to recertify for CBAP, and CCBA will be covered. When the CBAP recertification is completed, the CCBA recertification is automatic and follows the CBAP recertification term dates.
You do not need to include documentation of your CDU activities unless you are selected for audit.
We recommend that you keep a copy of the supporting documentation for all CDUs until you receive confirmation of your recertification from IIBA. A list of the required supporting documentation and acceptable formats can be viewed in the Recertification Handbooks under Audits and Audit Documentation.
An extenuating circumstance is an event or hardship that would prevent you from completing your recertification and is the only reason that recertification extensions may be granted. Refer to the IIBA Extenuating Circumstance Policy for the requirements and procedures for extension requests.