Through my interview with him, I was reminded of the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” As an active 71-year-old,
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Business Analysis knowledge and skills are the most transferable and applicable in different areas, regardless of customers’ company type and business model, business domain or industry type.
As business analysts, we have a unique relationship with change. We experience change personally (in our lives, in our organizations, in our career definitions); we experience change through others
Nominate those individuals (like Michelle) who have inspired you personally or professionally for IIBA’s annual Volunteer of the Year award.
IIBA Volunteer of the Year Nominations application. Honoring our Volunteers!
Given the economy in 2020, a lot of business analysts found themselves in an unexpected spot…looking for a new job and onboarding remotely. Now, experienced BAs might have had a slight advantage