1. Understanding Business Analysis
Importance of Business Analysis
The Business Analysis Standard
Business analysis:
- enables an enterprise to:
- understand rationale for change;
- identify and prioritize business needs; and
- design solutions that deliver the desired value;
- can be used in different contexts and viewed through many lenses;
- can be performed on strategic, tactical, and operational initiatives;
- may be performed to:
- support strategic decision-making;
- ensure successful organizational transformation;
- redesign business processes;
- connect project or product outcomes to strategy;
- ensure requirements are aligned with strategic, tactical, and operational objectives;
- support enterprise evolution through continuous improvement initiatives.
Effective business analysis is critical for:
- helping align the enterprise’s strategic objectives, operational goals, and tactical execution through well-defined business architecture;
- designing business intelligence solutions to transform data into meaningful, value-added information;
- optimizing and managing end-to-end business processes;
- ensuring an organization is using data to drive effective business decision-making;
- creating successful products with effective product ownership analysis;
- assessing, analyzing, improving, or implementing information technology solutions;
- supporting an organization’s digital transformation initiatives;
- helping an organization accelerate its business agility goals.

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